This is not the advice you want to hear…

I am a problem solver. So naturally, I give great advice……

Hearing you tell me the struggles you are going through, I am quick to lay out the clear path of choices, giving as much detailed direction as possible. After all, I do not want you to get lost! 

I am both fast to listen and fast to speak. (Wait… That’s not how that quote is supposed to go)

My thoughts behind my advice are subconsciously along the lines of what if the solutions or direction I have to give is exactly what you need to hear? What if what I have to advise will help change your life for the better? I just want to help. 

But it’s not really helpful, is it? Telling you what you already know.

It is not well thought out advice that you seek. You’re not stupid. This isn’t the first time you’ve heard these options. You probably repeat them everyday, quietly, in that beautiful head of yours. 

No. It’s not this advice stating what is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, good or bad… We both know you know these things. (We inherently know what is helpful or destructive, yet we cling to the latter of the two. Why?)

It’s not this advice that will pull you from your depression, from your never ending downpour or drought (rain or shine perspective – too much of a good thing can even be a bad thing; but you know this already). 

It is not this advice that will save you or be the miracle you need. 

It is not advice that you need from me. 

This is not advice. 

You’re smart and kind and beautiful. 

You’re not alone. You’re safe. 

About ashleekarin

Every Sunday I tried to post updates since I succeed in camping the doorstep of the world during a 110 day road trip around the USA; The Roadside Bears blog was then brought head first into the internet world (changed to Included are the details of our adventures and how we are doing, as well as tips on how we made a road trip around the USA happen. It’s important to pursue your dreams to the end, even if you end up with nothing. After all, you only have one life to live; go big or go home. Join me vicariously through this blog – – and experience the adventure of my life. Viewer discretion is advised, as you will most likely witness a very hungry person freezing as they sleep in their car. I will always be planning the next great adventure – so don’t miss out, subscribe to the blog today! XoxO (big kiss little hug little kiss big hug ), Ashlee Karin

Posted on March 13, 2016, in Home Front and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Ashlee: is it OK to share your e-mail with a young new model here in Panama City? She’s a nice young lady and I wanted to provide her a good strong role model friend who had experience in the modeling world. Is that OK?


    Sent from my iPhone


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